Better understand and strengthen the bonds with the men in your life.

Live course designed to help women understand and communicate with men.

Course begins March 12, calls are Tuesdays at 7pm MST


Better understand and strengthen the bonds with the men in your life.

Live course designed to help women understand and communicate with men.

Course begins March 12, calls are at 7pm MST


5 Weeks to Clarity


Week 1: Deep dive into the "nice guy", why some men can be indecisive & avoid conflict and a history of how we got to this point in society.

Week 2: Feel safer with men as you understand the purpose behind the necessity for structure & clarity in life and how you can co-create it with him.

Week 3: Lessen frustration through the understanding of why men may 'play dumb' or show up manipulatively and how you can invite authenticity.

Week 4: Deepen connection as you understand why excitement/passion is often suppressed in men and why they find addiction/abuse instead.

Week 5 (In Person and online): From apathy and exhaustion to abuse - an exploration of ways misaligned warrior energy can show up in men and what can be done.

Course Toolkit

> Expert led masterclasses + Q&A/Discussion 

> Challenges & journal prompts designed to transform your relationship with others and yourself

> Community app for discussion and connection with other women between classes

If you've ever wished you could read a man's mind - this is as close as you'll get! Your journey to communicating with confidence starts today.

"It turns out there is a lot more going on in the hearts and minds of men than a desire for sex and a sandwich!"

The dance between men and women is an intricate one - and one we don't always navigate the way we would like. Once there is understanding and a reinforcement of the masculine structure- the feminine is able to unfold and move as it was always meant to do. 

Throughout my time working with men, I've been approached by so many amazing women who want to better understand and support the men in their lives. From brothers to partners to sons, understanding what's going on behind the frustrated, apathetic or avoidant masks of the men we care most about and having tools to show up in a supportive way is absolutely life changing for everyone involved. Men feel seen, understood and energized and supported, and women enjoy the relief of being able to soften while simultaneously better understanding and aligning their own masculine energy. Safety and harmony spreads through connections and allows for stable and satisfying progress throughout all aspects of life.

This course was designed to open up awareness, give tools, and support women who want to support the much needed call for improved men's health in finding like minded community to support the process of understanding and navigating this process.

Check out our growing community

"So beneficial to me in my dating life"

Masculine Mysteries has been so beneficial for me, in more ways than I could have imagined... Something that I was not necessarily expecting to learn more about was how the feminine counterpart to the "nice guy" is the "good girl" and how the way I was taught to be is also so detrimental to my being able to step into my divine feminine and how that, in turn, does not allow the men in my life to fully step into their embodied masculine.

This is going to be so helpful to me as I am doing this work. I also have already seen how it has been so beneficial to me in my dating life. I highly recommend it to every woman to improve how they see men and how they can better communicate with them. I would also highly recommend you to all the men in my life looking to dive into doing the work with themselves to heal and truly be able to embody their divine masculinity. The work you are doing is so important for men and women. Thank you!

Dede K

"I’ve been able to have a more compassionate and loving approach to myself and the men in my life"

Taking the time to learn more about the masculine has been an eye and heart opener. Joe not only comes prepared to speak truth, he is living the teachings. Guiding men to be more, connecting women to information to support the men in their lives. As I’ve learned the different ways the masculine shows up, I’ve been able to have a more compassionate and loving approach to myself and the men in my life. 

Kari F

"The understanding of my own archetypal patterns has allowed me to embrace my strengths, confront my challenges, and foster a more authentic sense of self"

I wholeheartedly recommend (Masculine Mysteries) to anyone seeking a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and profound enrichment in their lives. I uncovered facets of myself that had long remained dormant or unrecognized. The understanding of my own archetypal patterns has allowed me to embrace my strengths, confront my challenges, and foster a more authentic sense of self. By understanding the various archetypes, I have gained valuable insights into the struggles, aspirations, and motivations of the men in my life, enabling me to approach them with newfound understanding and support.  

The feedback I received from (my exes) was always the same... that I "emasculated them".  Understanding how my own masculine energy could react with and bring out the various underlying facets of the masculine archetypes within their personalities, has helped me recognize and honor the intricate dance between these polarities within myself and my partners. (Joe’s) ability to blend ancient wisdom with contemporary psychology and philosophy was truly exceptional.

Megan G

Frequently Asked Questions

Deeper relationships are ready and waiting for you. 



Today is the day, change your story. Choose connection